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Country:United States
Info:Abstract is Abner Gonzalez, he was born in Lanc City, Pennsylvania.

Growing Up
He grew up in an area where sin was highly embraced and church goers were considered weak. In spite of all that he accepted the Lord into his life at the age of eleven. After about six years of living the usual teenage life in the city, he purposed to live for Him at seventeen.

As the MC states: "After three years of growing spiritually the church I was attending fell apart and I backslide a year later. The following four years led to loosing my job, and drug addiction which led to loosing many other things of great importance in my life.

Lowest Point
As he continues: "Weed and flowing became my main priority. My life had sunk to it's lowest point; I was hustling and surrounding my self with the dirt of this world. This had become my way of overcoming the guilt of turning my back on my creator.

The Light
"Acknowledging that my life was heading no wear amd I was taking my family with me, I went back to the one place were I new I could find refuge. The Lord led me to In The Light Ministries were I died to myself in order to live for him."

Carry Me
Abstract states: "I wish I could say everything has been gravy sense then but it hasn't, I've been through things that I never thought I would go through, but each time the victory has been mine because he continues to carry me.

"With that said I now declare to my Lord and to you the reader that I purpose to use all the talents and gifts given to me by my Lord to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and bring salvation to all nations."

The MC will release his debut album "Not Tha Norm" on All4Souls Music in 2007.

Release:Not Tha Norm
Not Tha Norm
(what is this?) / 2 users have this
Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:All4Souls Music
Info:The album is scheduled for May 2007.
Rating:Our users rated this release: 10 out of 10
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