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Country:United States
Releases:[JoyRide] [Ready For War (mixtape)]
Info:Christina Grimes was born in Dallas, Texas on March 12, 1985. Being the daughter of a pastor and evangelist, Christina knew she would have a calling on her life. After hearing the first generation of the BIC Rappers, she knew gospel rap would be her ministry.

At the age of 15 she joined a group by the name of ACE (Alfred, Christina, & Eric). As the group digressed, she went on to write and record songs of her own. It was then God gave her a name for herself, SowTwas, meaning Souljah of War With True Wrath Against Sin. SowTwas worked with many artists in the Dallas community. Although she was beginning to breakthrough as a solo gospel rapper, God told her to return to the group formally known as ACE. She obeyed God.

Demonic Assasynz
After graduating from DeSoto High School in 2003, she rejoined ACE and they were transformed into the Demonic Assasynz. The group saved many souls through their ministry. Their Soundclick page has had nearly 30,000 views within two years. Many of their songs has been in the top 10 of the Christian Rap Charts for Soundclick. SowTwas wrote and produced many of the tracks used by the Demonic Assasynz.

The femcee tells states about her album "JoyRide": "For me, it is a super testimony. The past two years has been the craziest roller coaster of my young life. I felt like my life was turned upside down and all my faith and strength escaped my grasp. Situations occurred in my life that I never imagined. It got so bad that I became rebellious and totally stopped going to church. I felt weak, powerless, and worthless."

She continues her story: "One day when I was sitting in my apartment, a dusty Bible was staring at me from across the room. Reluctantly, I grabbed it and flipped the pages. After the pages settled, a highlighted verse stood out, Nehemiah 8:10, "…for the joy of the Lord is your strength". After I read that, I instantly felt the chains come off."

After nine years of being in the Ministry, God has finally called her to release her first solo album. SowTwas' debut album "JoyRide" will be available in 2009.

Sources: MySpace blog: Story Behind JoyRide, July 28th, 2007

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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Semirg Entertainment
Info:The album is scheduled for release on January 5th, 2009.
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Release:Ready For War (mixtape)
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Media:[Digital Download]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:The mixtape is scheduled for December 10th, 2007. A free download at SowTwas' Soundclick page,
Rating:This release is not rated yet   Sign up or login to submit your vote
Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

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