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Silas Zephania

Silas Zephania
Country:United Kingdom
Releases:[From the Jaws of Death Into the Sea of Grace] [True Science]
Info:Silas a native African originating from Zimbabwe grew up without hisfather but was raised by his mother, sister, grandmother and aunties who instilled in him a belief in God from a very young age.

Hip Hop
Being passionate about football he gave up the boots for a mic and Hip Hop became his passion at around 14 years of age. Artists like Wu-tang and Common would go on to be his inspiration as he loved words and lyrics and knowledge

When in 1998 some church rappers invited his brother in law and sister to church spitting game about the most high in a way they had never seen before, Silas followed and two or three services down the line he was at the alter repenting and he became born again. He started a spiritual birth not offered to him at physical birth he was born to God's Word God's spirit and His ways.

To Serve
Silas had a simple life never a thug, or a player no drugs but in his simplicity he knew his bad language, his attitude to his mother and at times his love for entertainment that wasn?t Godly. Also his bondage to pornography was not an environment of God. When he became a Christian he knew what it meant to serve God he know that being a real Christian meant you have a relationship with Him. You couldn't serve him from a distance, relying on childhood church experiences and believing family members to define his association to God.

After being baptised and filled with Gods spirit over the next few years he began a life of ministry in the church using his ability through rhyme to convert souls to the great promise of salvation. However just as the Bible says the devil comes to steal kill and destroy. Silas is no stranger to pain and hardship as a soldier of the Lord and he has also gone through failure most notably straying sexually contradicting Gods word and having a child out of wed lock.

Though Silas loves and provides for his daughter he knows the enemy tried to drag him to death and hell through lusts power and through Gods great mercy is now restored living uprightly and has been renewed with an unquenchable fire to disciple men on how to be strong in the spirit and be aware of satanic assignments sent to destroy young men.

Music Ministry
Since 1998 when Silas first gave his life to the Lord and began as a music minister he has performed at endless youth events in clubs award ceremonies church concerts, TV (Revelation and God channel) been on radio (Choice FM, Premiere).

Including a number one video on 'r music' he recorded an album "True Science"' and recorded a lot of material with The Royal Priesthood most notably "Time Waits For No One" and "Built to Last" where most people may know him from.

At 24 his vision is to be armed with the message of freedom in Jesus through his music with a vision to preach the gospel and build the saints locally, nationally, and internationally.

The Bible says that when a spirit returns to a clean house (your body), It will bring 7 other demons with it, added to being out of God's will sin also affected his (Silas) music ministry, at the release of his album 'True Science' in the midst of Godly conviction in many of the songs came some lyrics the world may view as inspirational but what God would view as compromising to where God truly wanting him to be as a minister, songs like 'Gift' glorified fornication and infatuation out of God's will, 'Married to the Music' and 'What Matters' plus interludes on the CD promoted a Hip-Hop message that many Hip-Hop-ers would feel is normal but in Gods standards Silas knows that his first love Jesus Christ and the convictions that had been planted in him when he got saved were being compromised. When you open the door for Satan to come in he effects other area's of your life.

Silas felt this effect on his music ministry, without realizing he began to compromise his evangelistic message and listen to Hip-Hop music again which did not represent Christ. Silas knows for his soul Hip-Hop was a 'god' in his heart, he came to realize that God must come first and any Hip-Hop he played must be pleasing in the Father's sight. A state of black consciousness? Aroused within him which alone is okay but when the enemy leads you to idolize black hero's that didn't stand for Christ and embrace Islamic teachings of a positive nature, Silas knew the enemy was trying to cloud him with deception.

During this period Silas felt hurt by the church felt he was a victim of gossip and even if some believers did, the devil manipulated this and started a resentment within Silas toward the Christian church and God's people. This brought Silas further from God but he didn't know it, he felt at the time he was free from religion and though religion can effect people from walking upright but the devil is the author of all this confusion and in 2005 coming out of sexual sin, no church to call home lots of pain and hurt in his heart Silas began his spiritual walk again. He began attending church again and is now a member of Liberty Christian Fellowship, God healed his pain restored his love for God's people and God restored the anointing and reaffirmed the call of God on his life to preach and use his gift as a lyricist to bring the Gospel message.

The Lord sent Silas a soul mate a beautiful woman of God who brought him closer to Jesus with her fire they now minister together. Silas thanks all Christian?s family and pastors, pastor Gregg Holly, Tudor Bismark, Marty Carnegie, Pastors Michael and Simone Harding, Noel McLean, Pastors Grace and Lincoln, Kahn and Bishop John Francis for their spiritual impartation, and friends who prayed for the chains of demonic Satanic forces to be broken by the blood of Jesus.

Give Thanks
Silas whose name is Ryan Umali-Robertson is so thankful to those who love him and have faithfully been on bended knees for him, he shouts out to his mum Charlene Robertson, sister Roucheon and all family and close friends and his beautiful best friend and soul mate from the Lord Natasha Kaye Hunter.

The video "Romans 8" is released December 31st, 2007. This track is from the album "From the Jaws of Death Into the Sea" (2008).

Silas most recent album "From the Jaws of Death Into the Sea of Grace" is coming in 2008.

Release:From the Jaws of Death Into the Sea of Grace
From the Jaws of Death Into the Sea of Grace
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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:The album is released on June 29th, 2008.

1. Intro - featuring Adonye Green
2. We fly - featuring Adonye Green
3. Hop hop to Gods Rock
4. Lyrics for evidence - featuring Matthew Hunter
5. Victory - featuring Jazz Elington
6. Romans 8 - featuring Tosin Tao
7. Who's ready
8. Crowded room by Loveline (Poem)
9. Missing you - featuring Diligence
10. Saving private Ryan - featuring Natasha Robertson
11. Renewed mind - featuring Roucheon from Royal Priesthood
12. Perfect match - featuring Jazz Elingron
13. Liberator - featuring Sev LeSaveD
14. Miss Kaye - featuring Natasha Robertson
15. Heartbeat
16. Eternal bride
17. We are missing you - featuring Diligence Royal Priesthood, Natasha Robertson and Nicholas from 1st Love
18. Outro - featuring Adonye Green
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Release:True Science
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Media:[Audio CD] [Digital Download]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:The album is released in 2004. The original CD was 20 tracks long. The download is shorter 14 tracks.

1. Love
2. Messiah
3. October 81
4. Hebrews 11
5. Bread of Life
6. Pain
7. Emarnii
8. New Beginnings
9. Young Ones
10. Forgiven Murderers
11. The Blood
12. His Mercy
13. My Words
14. Messenger
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