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Info:Considering I'm a middle-class white kid, born and raised throughout the gorgeous scenery of British Columbia, Canada, I have no business being a rapper. Honestly, I never meant to. It just sort of happened. And though I've tried, I can't stop. It's in my blood.

I have no tales of gunshots ringing through the night. I have no stories of selling heroine to children to pay rent. I have no cliche rap to bring to the table. And I've never been shot.

What I do have is a crew of ridiculously talented musicians who are just as pumped as I am about making hip hop cool again. With instruments ranging from turntables to cello, we're far from typical.
They are:
- Dan: Turntables and Saxophone
- Brittany: Cello
- Natasha: Violin

Rhys received a nomination at the 29th Annual Covenant Awards 2007 of the Gospel Music Association Canada (GMA) for:
- Rap/Hip Hop Album Of The Year: The Death Of Mediocrity
- Rap/Hip Hop Song Of The Year: Greed

The rapper released the album "The Death Of Mediocrity" in 2007.

Release:The Death Of Mediocrity
The Death Of Mediocrity
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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:The album is released in May 2007.
All lyrics and original beats written and produced by Rhys.
Production by Philip Janz, Authentic Productions.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Philip Janz.
Keyboards, bass & string programming, vocals, percussion, and additional loops by Philip Janz.
Recorded at Hi Tyme Studio in 2007.
Photography & artwork by Willie Li.
Photography by Mischa Fisher.

1. Cat Nap
2. So Sick
3. Fights to Pick
4. Greed
5. Say Goodbye
6. Love Me Not
7. Project Feel Good
8. Sa Kap Fet
9. And Then...
10. Useless
11. One More MC
12. One Brick Shy
13. Prayer
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