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SOHL 4UR Tribe

Country:United States
Info:SOHL 4UR Tribe are Skye and Sevin.

He grew up in a Christian home, but Skye never took the faith seriously. It was more an obligation towards his parents. He moved to Los Angeles, when he was about 18 years old and sang in a band. He ended up broke and moved back to Florida to his parents. Although he tried to keep his wild clubbing lifestyle he one day went to the Vineyard church with his parents and listened to the testimonies. Recognizing his lifestory he chose to get prayed for and from that moment on in August of 1991 he stopped drinking and using drugs.

Sevin also grew up in a Christian home. By the time he was nine or ten, he had fallen off visiting the church. At the age of seventeen Sevin was working at a gas station pumping gas and one of the mechanics was a Christian.
About that period he says "We used to talk to him and make fun of him all the time with the answers he'd give us. We thought it was funny".
But a change happened: "One day at work, it just hit me. The whole thing just hit me. I knew how to do it and prayed all by myself. The change was incredible. One minute I was making fun of the guy and the next I knew it was true".

The album
A producer of the Vineyard label, Chris Wimber, approached Skye about doing a rap presentation for an outdoor concert of the church.
Sevin joined the team because he could play bass and had experience from playing in a funk band. The two had never joined forces before. Chris Wimber then asked if they wanted to do an album. They wrote all the lyrics and started recording about three-and-a-half months later.

Source: The Lighthouse. - nr. 5, May (volume 2) 1993

Release:2 tha bazix
2 tha bazix
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Media:[Audio CD]
Released:1993 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:New Breed
Info:1. Introduction
2. S.O.H.L. 4ur tribe iz funky
3. Funky hometown Pinnochio blues
4. Lord have mercy
5. The producer didn't show
6. Heaven sent
7. Intermission
8. Let the love flow
9. Stix and stones
10. Nonsense
11. Papa Dios
12. We boyz
13. Props
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