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Aliases:This artist is (or was) also known as: [Gee el A-tsj]
Info:Former member of the She'erith Nation, now in Arc!tex, this emcee from Nieuwegein is also dropping solo-tracks on the internet.

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Media:[Digital Download]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:'Bijelkaargeraapt' is a collection of tracks, both solo and collabs, by Sen, created over a period of time. It's available for download at Sen's website.

1. Terug
2. Elk moment (featuring Freez, scratches by Ninetysix)
3. A few words with spring in mind
4. Internetshizzle
5. 18+
6. De mic is altijd daar (featuring Spiegel-Beeld and Tijdgeest)
7. Maņana (featuring Sen as 'John Reuben' & 'Pettidee' and DnT)
8. Wakker
9. Schaduwpersoonlijkheid (featuring Tijdgeest)
10. Dromehiris (featuring Rebec)
11. Kom met de fonk (featuring Leeuwezoon)
12. Bygone days
13. Gevoelens op een beat
14. Articulate clearly
15. Gee & Dee (featuring DnT)
16. Geld (featuring DnT, Sen, Glashelder, Matthijn, Spiegel-Beeld)
17. Battle
18. Netfeedback (featuring Tijdgeest)
19. Motherfuckers
20. RE:Reclame (featuring Idoalist)
21. Isolement
22. Kerk (featuring Spiegel-Beeld)
23. Spiegolement (featuring Spiegel-Beeld)
24. Zonder titel
Rating:Our users rated this release: 7 out of 10
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