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Country:United States
Releases:[Thru My Eyes] [Counted Out : Based On My True Story]
Info:Tony Caruthers also known as Caruzz was born in St. Louis and raised by his mother. In his early years he lived in neighbourhoods that were filled with drugs, gangs, alcohol and violence. As he grew older, he began to fall in love with the street life and hanging with thugs, which seemed to teach him so much. He managed to graduate from high school, but had no goals or interests in a better life. Caruzz began smoking and selling marijuana, drinking alcohol and engaging in sexual immorality.

It wasn't until the age of 21 that a man approached him about giving his life to Christ. He remembers listening intently as the man described how Jesus loved him unconditionally and had died for his sins. After this encounter, Caruzz remembers feeling a hope that he had never experienced. His need to connect to something so positive and different, drove Caruzz to start seeking more answers about Jesus. Later, at the age of 23, he gave his life to Christ to become a born-again christian.

Caruzz formulates his music and lyrics with a mixture of street smarts and his growing knowledge and relationship with God. He continually seeks God in the music he writes so that the lyrics inspire and touch the hearts of the listeners. His debut album Counted Out got released in 2004.

To find out more about Tony Caruthers or his music please call: + 314-370-2301

Release:Thru My Eyes
Thru My Eyes
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Media:[Audio CD]
Info:All songs written by Tony ''Caruzz'' Caruthers.
Executive Producer Caruzz.
All songs Produced by Alphonso ''Phonzeito'' Harried, except tracks 5 & 14.
Producer Derrick Richard tracks 5 &14.
All tracks mixed by Alphonso ''Phonzeito'' Harried.
Recorded at Menace Sounds by Tracy.
All Rap vocals mixed by Tracy for Menace Sounds.
Mastered by Tracy for Menace Sounds.
Pictures by Jamel Johnson.

1. Intro
2. Rip This Beat
3. Thru My Eyes
4. You Promised Me
5. Emotions Composed
6. Total Awe
7. So Many Chances
8. Dangerous Moves
9. Times We're Living In
10. What I Care?
11. Midwest Natural
12. My Issues
13. Love Yo Life
14. Watch Me Grow
15. Come As You Are
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Reviews:Found 1 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

Release:Counted Out : Based On My True Story
Counted Out : Based On My True Story
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Media:[Audio CD]
Info:1. Point of No Return
2. Counted Out
3. Guardian Angels
4. Never Repay You
5. Came up Short
6. Spiritual Fire
7. This Is For... ''Midwest Anthem''
8. My Rhymes
9. Vicious Cycles
10. Time Is Ticking
11. Pray For Me
12. I L ive For This
Rating:This release is not rated yet   Sign up or login to submit your vote
Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

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