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Country:United States
This artist on Discogs:https://www.discogs.com/artist/4273328-CROW
Releases:[Salt Season : The Re-Birth of Kingdom Bangin'] [Enemy of the Godz] [Method of Attack] [Operation K.A.P.] [Shepherd City : Shepherd kingz] [The Rejected Ones : Crucified Edition] [The Rejected Ones : Volume 2] [The Rejected Ones : Volume 3] [The Wilderness]
Info:C.R.O.W. born on 15 March 1974, made his debut album Operation K.A.P. on Grapetree Records in 1999. His name stands for Constantly Right Overcomes Wrong. C.R.O.W. said he choose this name because in the Old Testament ravens provided care for God's people, and a raven is a cousin to the crow.
Part of the Bruthaz Grimm he made his debut in 1999 a year later than the Bruthaz first release "He's Coming" (1998) for Grapetree Records. After his time at this label he released several other albums including The Rejected Ones series as an independant artist.

Self esteem
�Don�t except false love from a man because you feel no one loves you,� CROW advises women in trouble of falling into abusive relationships. �God loves you. You do have worth. Have a vision and a focused goal.� CROW shared these words from his experiences.
CROW suffered from a self-esteem problem at an early age which led to a rebellion stage which lasted much of his life. He never directly saw much of the rebellion in his family, but at family reunions, the youngsters gathered together and shared stories of the prostitution, gang activity, and drug dealing that went on in their family.

At 15 years old, CROW packed a plastic bag of clothes and left home to settle with a neighborhood friend. He challenged the authority of parents and believed he could be treated with more respect elsewhere. At his new home, the boys reigned supreme having girls over and befriended negative influences. He watched his friends take advantage of their female friends by asking them for money for themselves and CROW. He later adopted that philosophy.
�That was when I first started with the whole idea of having girls provide for me. The girl I lost my virginity to told me to never give a girl anything she wants until she gives you everything you need,� said CROW.

A few weeks later, CROW and his mother drove down the street for groceries, and they saw his girlfriend on the street corner. She was a prostitute. He and his mother never spoke a word about what they had seen. At age 16, CROW needed money to fund his dream to write a book and pursue mainstream rap music. He started making money the only way he knew how. He asked a girlfriend at the time, after beating around the bush for 45 minutes, to get some money for him. �She had no direction, no vision, and she wanted the attention I gave her,� said CROW. �She was pretty dependent on me emotionally. I asked her where she was going to be in ten years, and she said she didn�t know...She fed off my dreams.� She agreed to get him the money he wanted. That day CROW became a pimp.

Not until CROW met Silas Clark did he recognize the ugliness of his sin. CROW said he always felt unsettled about pimping, but at that time, he thought other alternatives were worse. Clark showed CROW that there were serious long-term consequences for what he was doing. Clark explained that Jesus Christ was not just a white man�s God that He was God�s son who came for all people. This peaked CROW�s interest, and he started reading the Bible, starting with Genesis. As he read, everything started to make sense. He realized the unsettled feeling he had about pimping was God telling him he was wrong. He asked God to forgive him, and he wanted Jesus to be a part of his new life from that day forth.

He gave up pimping and started rapping for Christ with words to teach others from his experiences and poor decisions. He later shared with one of his �girls,� the love that he found in knowing Christ personally. She too yearned for that forgiveness and love and became a Christian by believing that Jesus is the son of God sent to take away all the sins in her life. She became a Christian that day.

The rapper also released the album "The Sudden Edictz Of White Face" on Soundclick.com (parental advisory).

New album
The MC is released his new album entitled Salt Season : The Re-Birth of Kingdom Bangin' (2007) on the Bruthaz GRIMM new label Shepherd City Records.

Release:Salt Season : The Re-Birth of Kingdom Bangin'
Salt Season : The Re-Birth of Kingdom Bangin'
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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Shepherd City Records
Info:The album is released July 2007.

1. Just Like You
2. We In Hell
3. One Daygo
4. Proz & Conz
5. Shonuff
6. Bullets of Life
7. I Wanted To Die
8. Epiphany
9. Back Home
10. Shufflin
11. Reign
12. Kingdom Bangin
13. I Am Jesus
14. I'm Ready
15. It's Been A Blessing
16. Salt Season
Rating:Our users rated this release: 9.5 out of 10
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Release:Enemy of the Godz
Enemy of the Godz
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Media:[Audio CD]
Released:2003 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:1. Intro
2. To Da Gift
3. If I Would I...
4. Bloody $
5. Common Sense
6. My Share
7. We Grown Now
8. Game Crazy
9. Sista Sunday
10. I Remember
11. I'm Ready
12. The Tree
13. U Already Knew
14. Who R U?
15. Forgive Me
16. Bangin'
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Release:Method of Attack
Method of Attack
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Media:[Audio CD]
Released:2001 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Grapetree Records
Info:1. Intro
2. It’s Me
3. Peculiar
4. I Wanna Live
5. Ramona
6. Getto Love
7. Rome
8. Da Sheep
9. Never Me
10. My Seed
11. Elohim
12. Fedia
13. Harbingers
14. On My Way
15. Holy Matrimony
16. What If?
17. Living Dead
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Release:Operation K.A.P.
Operation K.A.P.
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Media:[Audio CD]
Released:1999 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Grapetree Records
Info:1. Phone Messages
2. Decision
3. Pimp Types
4. I'm Real
5. Baller
6. San Diego
7. Overcomer
8. Bone Yard
9. Shady
10. Lie
11. Mistake
12. Don't Front
13. Trap
14. Exodus
15. Pit
16. I Feel Ya
17. Test
18. Truth
19. Get Saved
20. Message
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Release:Shepherd City : Shepherd kingz
Shepherd City : Shepherd kingz
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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
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Release:The Rejected Ones : Crucified Edition
The Rejected Ones : Crucified Edition
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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
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Release:The Rejected Ones : Volume 2
The Rejected Ones : Volume 2
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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
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Release:The Rejected Ones : Volume 3
The Rejected Ones : Volume 3
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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
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Release:The Wilderness
The Wilderness
(what is this?) / 1 user has this
Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:1. Intro
2. Wilderness Living
3. Adultry
4. We In Hell
5. Porno
6. The Witches
7. Kill Nobody
8. Go Run
9. Liars
10. We Told Y'all
11. Unity
12. Ain't Nothing Like It
13. We Came Back
14. Front Liners
15. Hahlelluya
16. Alter Call
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