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NOA (Nomadische Onaantastbare Alliantie)

NOA (Nomadische Onaantastbare Alliantie)
Info:NOA or Nomadische Onaantastbare Alliantie, which means Nomadic Untouchable Alliance concists of R-I-V and Mic Joshua. R-I-V is the artist Rivelino Rigters. Mic Joshua is Marc Joshua de l'Isle. Both have already made independant releases in the Dutch music scene. Mic Joshua would leave NOA as a performing member in August 2006.

With the NOA crew R-I-V wants to build an ark in the music scene to show a different kind of hip hop culture, less criminal and sexual, to the youth. For him rap is more about expressing yourself and being positive.

NOA would further like to develop into a changing collective of artists. Another goal is to make a NOA foundation to release albums of artists with the same positive message.

Besides rap the crew visited schools during a tour for World Vision in 2006. The track "Maak Een Verschil’ (editor: Make a difference) is chosen for the campaign "Zip Your Lip" from World Vision. Part of Zip Your Lip is the sponsoring of young people, who will not eat for 24 hours. With this money the fight against aids and hunger is financed in Third World countries.

Loud Foundation
Closer to home NOA is using their Loud Foundation to reach out to the youth from Amsterdam west. R-I-V wants to help them discover their talents through music and dance activities to show a different way of living.

He knows from experience, selling drugs, breaking in and doing time in prison, that a lot of negative behaviour among teenagers comes from "acting tough for your peers", "wanting to have the best in clothing" and "trying to be one of the boys".

Mic Joshua left NOA as an active performing member in August 2006. He felt hip hop became too much of an idol in his life. His new role within NOA will be as a composer and to be part of the creative process concerning the repertoire of the crew.

NOA was nominated in the category of Best Hiphop/R&B act for the first edition of the Seven FM Gospelawards 2006. The show took place on Saturday December 16th, 2006. Seven FM is a Dutch christian radio station.

The first recording is a selftitled EP released by Skilltone, a hiphop divison of LowRoof, in March 2006.

Release:Nomadische Onaantastbare Alliantie EP
Nomadische Onaantastbare Alliantie EP
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Media:[Audio CD]
Info:Production by Darin G, Mocasa, R-I-V, Sen and William Wixley.

1. De Wereld Wacht...
2. N.O.A.
3. Oases
4. Hard
5. Maak Een Verschil
6. Vleugels
7. Sela
8. Peace Police
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