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Aliases:This artist is (or was) also known as: [William Higgins]
Releases:[Breinbereik : De Muzoekolutie] [Electribulation] [Fossil Seediments] [Hara Ki Netics] [Shou and Yin's Guide to Tea, Beats and Cultural Revolution] [Hondsdagenbeats : Beats voor de Ziel door Idoalist]
Info:William Higgins is the Idoalist, he founded Heilig IJs with Renger Boersma (Lion Cub) and released their first album in 1997. This album was the start for the Dutch Holyhiphop scene. Albeit a small scene, the Idoalist can be seen as one of the founding fathers together with Lion Cub and Rik Zutphen (Eye Deeh) from the crew Vorm.

Idoalist stopped being active in the hip hop scene in 2004 after three albums as Heilig IJs/Holy Eyes. Besides these records, he has made more albums unknown to the public. But since 2005 they are online for the fans to enjoy.

Coming from a difficult family background, a new stepfather changed his life, and showed him a rigid form of christianity, music became a hobby and an important tool for self expression. Therefore his albums are an emotional journey through his state of mind, about life, society and hip hop. Every album is a part of the phase towards his final departure of this unique musicalstyle he had chosen, hip hop.

His music is heavily influenced by Japanese culture, symbols, philosophy and by daily life activities like videogaming.

Idolist came to the point that he did not feel part of "the culture" anymore. For him as he states on his website: "Het doel was voor hen hiphop zelf, voor mij was het doel de inhoud." The goal was hip hop for them, [but] for me it was the content (editor). The person, William Higgins, did not feel part of hip hop as a cultural phenomenon, but used the music only to express his own relevant thoughts and concerns.

Copy cats
The MC also felt that the music and the culture in The Netherlands was too much based on the American roots as he boldly states: "Ik ben geen neger. Geen Amerikaan. Ik haat Mickey Mouse en MacDonald's". I'm no negro, no American. I dislike Micky Mouse and MacDonald's (editor).
The problems expressed and lifestyles portrayed by American hip hop artists are not similar to the Dutch situation. Idoalist missed the original interpretation of the musicalstyle as he did find with the Dutch act the Osdorper Posse from Amsterdam. [This act is the founder of the Dutch hip hop scene as a whole. The style, rapping in the native language Dutch, is called "nederhop".]

She'erith Nation
So Idoalist founded She'erith Nation, a collective of MCs, to express a form of hip hop closer to the Dutch identity. They released the Vechtstreken EP in 2004.

Idoalist needed to find his focus in life and used hip hop to understand, who he was and where he stood as a human being in this society and culture. William Higgins is still making music as a composer, but he is not producing hip hop anymore.

William's Quotes:
"Wees echt wie je bent, zet je eigen identiteit neer, streef naar originaliteit, laat je doel hoger zijn dan het propageren van een subcultuur."

"Vergeet nooit dat inhoud niet afhankelijk is van de vorm waar je het in giet."

Be, who you really are, express your own identity, strive for originality, let your goal be higher than propagating a subculture. (editor)

Don't forget that content is not depending of the form you're expressing it with. (editor)

William Higgins has made the music for the musical Nicky Cruz : the Urban Opera, which is performed in The Netherlands in 2006 and 2007. The musical is based upon the book Run Baby Run. The book is written by Nicky Cruz and Jamie Buckingham. The musical script of the musical is written by Johan Scholtens. The story is about Nicky Cruz's life as a gangmember coming into contact with a pastor.

Photo: The Idoalist in action on Flevo Festival 2004.

Souces: Musicalnicky.nl

Release:Breinbereik : De Muzoekolutie
Breinbereik : De Muzoekolutie
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Media:[Digital Download]
Released:2003 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:1. Nieuwe ontwikkelingen: de opening van de Ring van Rang en Drang.
2. Real Real Revolutions.
3. ReciproCITY Inventment. It's the money, the Loot of all Evil
4. Kinetic Stasis Fabrismo. Metafibro van het Unifirst-beleave behind what is a burden
5. Dansviering van de ijzeren huid.
6. Massacre of me
7. Make me a Name of Snow
8. Ava Veda
9. Migration Age
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Media:[Digital Download]
Released:2003 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:1. De Universalia (Ido versie)
2. Ex Libra
3. Wisdom cries out
4. Ikiro Kuroi
5. De Nar-bard
6. Misery never missed me
7. Hiphop met een zotskap op - instrumental
8. Battered, bruised, betrayed
9. Wilskracht (Ongepocht)
10. Ikiro Kuroi - instrumental
11. Battered, bruised, betrayed - instrumental
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Release:Fossil Seediments
Fossil Seediments
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Media:[Digital Download]
Released:2003 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:Tracks form 1998-2003.

1. Prologue
2. Tell me the wind
3. Feoh Phenomenon
4. The Voice after the Ice-Age
5. Funny Mood
6. Racing home in 1990
7. Farewell to Shadowland
8. Royshopp
9. Mythos
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Release:Hara Ki Netics
Hara Ki Netics
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Media:[Digital Download]
Released:2003 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:1. Op die manier
2. Yumei Sentai
3. Mokyou Senta
4. My Hara
5. Liefde faalt niet
6. Holy mountain
7. Hantai Hogen
8. Love never fails
9. The eve of the battle
10. La perle perdu
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Reviews:Found 1 review for this album. [Add a review]

Release:Shou and Yin's Guide to Tea, Beats and Cultural Revolution
Shou and Yin's Guide to Tea, Beats and Cultural Revolution
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Media:[Digital Download]
Released:2002 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:1. You must go to the East my son
2. The Long Scratch
3. Ni hao Shou!
4. Protect ya Rap
5. You're not Jackie Chan
6. Mic Knights
7. Master, what must I do?
8. Forbidden Spitty
9. Jade Princess, Clay Fighter
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Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

Release:Hondsdagenbeats : Beats voor de Ziel door Idoalist
Hondsdagenbeats : Beats voor de Ziel door Idoalist
(what is this?) / 1 user has this
Media:[Digital Download]
Released:2002 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:1. Rock on
2. Dispatch
3. You hear
4. Don't go wasting
5. Dragoondock stomping grounds
6. Cold on the rocks
7. Just this once - featuring Leeuwezoon & Ido
8. Atsui
9. De Draai
10. New strength (Liefde faalt niet - instrumental)
11. Gedeelde grond
12. The Island of dr. Ido (mix)
13. Shoegazer hiphop
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Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

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