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Holy Hit Makerz

Info:Holy Hit Makerz is founded in 2002 when two former secular producers: Ronald Simmons and Tony Galati, merged their production companies to form a partnership. The two produced together for over a year and eventually befriended another local producer Raul Rodriguez.

The combination was a success. Each member brought their own style, experience, and knowledge which made the unit extremely versatile.

The company expanded with the addition of a record label, recording studio and artist signings. The business continued to prosper however the group felt it was time to lay it all down and seek Christ's direction for the business and more importantly, themselves.

After much thought and prayer the Holy Hit Makerz have reopened. The Hit Makerz production team is back producing music for all genres with renewed spirits and a constant focus to serve God.
Country:United States
Releases:A few random releases on this label...
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