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Machine Records

Info:Machine Records is a label from The Machine Productions (TMP) Inc., a California Corporation. TMP is created as a multimedia entertainment company which will supply profitable, positive, audio and visual entertainment to a diverse, international consumer group. TMP is committed to wholesome entertainment across the board and firmly believes that quality; palatable entertainment can be realized without compromising commercial appeal.

TMP distinguishes itself through the commitment it undertakes with each of its artists. Contrasting the typical scenario in which a record company spends more money producing the music then they do in its marketing and promotion, TMP will utilize a stable of experienced and resourceful producers to ensure the highest quality product within established production budgets. This, in conjunction with guarantees the impetus necessary to create “winning” products in the marketplace.

Records Divisions
TMP is composed of three internal record divisions: The Machine Records, The Groove Records, and Well Oiled Records. Additionally, on the production side we have Machine Television Productions.

The rapper 2Five is the only holy hip hop artist signed to this mainstream label, which is lead by a management of christians. TMP has the vision of reaching the mainstream music market without being confined to the christian music market by making quality driven "positive" entertainment.
Address:2549 Eastbluff Drive #B443
Zipcode:CA 9266
City:Newport Beach
Country:United States
Phone:+ 714-647-7730
Fax:+ 949-367-0912
Releases:A few random releases on this label...
Title To Be Announced 2Five Tha Hood Reverend - Title To Be Announced
Talk Is Cheap : I Plead Tha 5th (mixtape) [By DJ Nik Bean, DJ Scream, DJ Vlad] 2Five Tha Hood Reverend - Talk Is Cheap : I Plead Tha 5th (mixtape) [By DJ Nik Bean, DJ Scream, DJ Vlad]

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