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Stephen Wiley - Bible Break

Release:Bible Break
Bible Break
(what is this?) / 11 users have this
Media:[Audio Tape]
Released:1985 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Brentwood Music
Info:Production by Stephen Wiley Enterprises and Mike Barnes Productions.
Lyrics by Stephen Wiley.
Music by Mike Barnes.
Recorded at Longbranch Studio, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Instruments used:
- Yamaha QX-1 digital sequencer.
- Yamaha DX-7 digital synthesizer.
- Yamaha TX-816 FM tone generator.
- Oberheim DX digital drum machine

Side 1
1. Bible Break

Side 2
Accompaniment track (so you can perform)
Rating:Our users rated this release: 2 out of 10
(Number of votes: 2)   Sign up or login to submit your vote

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Review:This is simply a phenomenal piece of work. Mu sister gave me her copy and I have lost it. I'm SO bummed because my kids loved it. I loved it. It was wonderful. I would love to obtain another copy but have searched in vain so far.
source: Rachel Flachman, added: Dec 09, 2009

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