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Country:United States
Releases:[City of God] [Reformation] [The Mind Of Christ]
Info:Christcentric from Germantown, Maryland consists of The Apologist, Q-dog and Evangel. Their public ministry began in October of 1998 at a youth coffeehouse at Wallace Presbyterian Church in Hyattsville, Maryland, where Q-dog was then the full-time youth leader.

Since then, they have patiently waited for God to open doors for their ministry and He has provided opportunities to minister at various venues plus opening up for other hip hop artists like the Crossmovement, Jah-Word, and Enyaphace, Corey Red and Precise, Shadowless (formerly Raiders of the Lost), and others.

The crew states their purpose is "not to entertain, but to minister and this primarily to professing believers within the hip-hop culture. Coming to help spur (the saints) on toward love and good deeds and ground them in sound doctrinethey seek to dynamically impact the lives of believers for the building of Gods Kingdom. Through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs they powerfully bring the mercies of God in full viewcalling saints to greater commitment to Christ and unbelievers into a right relationship with God."

Their debut album The Mind Of Christ is released May 2002. Followed up by the record Reformation in 2004. Every album has a worked out theme.

Theme The Mind Of Christ (2002)
What is the Mind of Christ? Philippians 2:5 "For let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Himself the form of a servant..."

Theme Reformation (2004)
Through the reformation , the true gospel and the essential doctrines of the Christian faith were brought back to light and this largely through the reformer Martin Luther. Out of the reformation, 5 essential doctrines emerged restoring the Church to its historically biblical roots:
1. Sola Scriptura - "by Scripture alone"
2. Solas Christus - "by Christ alone"
3. Sola Fide - "by faith alone"
4. Sola Gratia - "by grace alone"
5. Sola Deo Gloria - "to God alone the glory"

Theme City Of Christ (2006)
The two cities find their beginning in the sacrifices of Abel and Cain. One pleased God, one did not. Abel is a representative of the City of God because he is interested in the things of God, while Cain represents the City of Man and is interested in earthly pleasure holding God in contempt. The city of God is that worldview that sees the godly man as one who “sojourns as a stranger in the midst of the ungodly” and the city of man “though it be a mistress of nations, it itself is ruled by its lust of rule.”... In this already/not yet kingdom we anticipate the future consummation and glory for the city of God and the once for all destruction of the city of man.
By Jace Broadhurst

Their debut album The Mind Of Christ (2002) did well enough that the crew got nominated for best new artist of the year by "What's The Word Magazine."

Release:City of God
City of God
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Media:[Audio CD] [Digital Download]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:The album is released on December 6th, 2006.
Production by The Apologist, David Amezaga and LOS-1 da Scientist.

1. City Of God
2. A Mighty Fortress
3. Worthy Is The Lamb - featuring Voice
4. T.U.L.I.P.
5. Redemptive History
6. The Gathering
7. Didactic Music
8. The Narrow Way
9. SINdicate - featuring Believin' Stephen
10. Emmaus
11. Pros And Cons
12. Already Not Yet (The Church Triumphant) - featuring Reformed Ordinance
13. Outside The City
14. The Gathering "remix" - bonus track
15. Doctrinal Rhymeschemes - bonus track
16. Surrender - bonus track
Rating:Our users rated this release: 10 out of 10
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(what is this?) / 8 users have this
Media:[Audio CD] [Digital Download]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:1. The Light and the Darkness
2. The Reformation
3. Kick the Truth
4. Sufficiency of Scripture
5. Oracles of Christ
6. Who Do Men Say That I Am?
7. Translated
8. Cliches
9. Saul of Tarsus
10. The Day of the Lord
11. Apostase
12. Powerful Parables
13. What's it Worth ?
14. Psalm 8
15. The God of the Scriptures
16. Soveriegnty
17. Amazing Grace
18. The Lover of My Soul
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Release:The Mind Of Christ
The Mind Of Christ
(what is this?) / 8 users have this
Media:[Audio CD] [Digital Download]
Released:2002 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:The album is released May 2002.

1. No Excuse
2. Totally Depraved
3. Once Was Lost
4. A Way That Seemeth Right
5. The Answer
6. Salvation
7. The Mind of Christ
8. Resurrection
9. Shout 4 Joy
10. If U in Christ
11. The Fight
12. The Race
13. One Accord
14. The Benediction
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