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Fully Loaded

Fully Loaded
Country:United States
Releases:[Street Ministry 2] [Street Ministry]
Info:Fully Loaded consists of Terrell Mantez also known as Bro. T-Rell, and John Walker also known Bro. J.Dub.

Bro. T-Rell
Terrell Mantez (Bro. T-Rell) is the hip hop component of the group. He is born in Camden, New Jersey and raised up in a Catholic Church with his family members. Terrell's mother sang backup for the Supremes.

As a youngster, Terrell had to hold his own on the rough streets of Camden. When Terrell moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania he got caught up in gang rivalries. Yet through it all, God saw favor and kept his hands on Terrell's life through his many near death experiences of the every day street hustling and experiences in different religions.

Through rap, which Terrell had lived and performed at in various clubs in his street life, has now turned his lyrics over to the Lord. God had placed on Terrell's heart to reach the youth teach the youth and tell them what the Lord can do.

Terrell's Lyrics definitely portray the Love that he has for his Lord and savior and strives for new and inventive way's to reach the lost through rap as well as street outreach ministries.

Bro. J.Dub
John Walker (Bro. J.Dub), described as the R&B Component of Fully Loaded, didn't know the purpose for his life. As a child growing, up he thought and acted like a child. Even when becoming a young man there was still no clue.

Life Decisions
John lived a life the way others wanted him to live. People would make decisions for him until he could make decisions for myself. All the lot, God knew the plan for his life even when things were undecided about his purpose. God knew John had songs in his heart for Him, but at the time John was too busy doing other things and trying to find his own revelation of who he was.

As time went on, John discovered that what he wanted and how he could find revelation of himself was in Jesus Christ. John's relationship with God inspired him to have full revelation of the voice he had. Songs long ago that John would sing had no purpose, but songs that God would lead him to sing had purpose.

The duo has released the album Street Ministry on Rugged Street Recordings in 2004. They are working on a new album caled "Street Ministry 2" in 2008.

Release:Street Ministry 2
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Media:[Audio CD] [Digital Download]
Recordlabel:Rugged Cross Recording
Info:The album is scheduled for release in June 2009.
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Release:Street Ministry
Street Ministry
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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Rugged Cross Recording
Info:1. He's Yours
2. Eternity Where ?
3. Some can Some Can't
4. Power of the Cross
5. Father Father
6. I Adore You
7. It's Been a Long Time (Interlude)
8. It's Been a Long Time
9. Sing and Shout
10. Jahweh
11. God's Purpose
12. Nobody to Blame
13. Can't Nobody
14. Thank You Lord
15. Holy of Holies
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