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Country:United States
Info:Akron, Ohio native and prolific lyricist Parabols has joined forces with B4 Entertainment to release the much anticipated solo LP “The Awakening” in early 2008.

In 2006, Parabols received great exposure after releasing a controversial radio single dealing with HIV awareness, entitled "Pretty Jenkins". With huge success on college radio, the song that told the story of an H.I.V. infected young man being purposely promiscuous was highly requested by students. Other issue related tracks recorded by Parabols include the drinking and driving track entitled- "Give Somebody the Keys" and "The Kids" which discusses the negative information being exposed to children.

Release:The Awakening
The Awakening
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Media:[Audio CD] [Digital Download]
Recordlabel:B4 Entertainment
Info:The album is released on March 1st, 2008 as a download and as a hard copy on March 25th, 2008.
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