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Country:United States
Releases:[The Metamorphiz] [Process of Elimination]
Info:Shael Torres Sr. also known as Elsha, born on November 6, 1981 in Lawrence, Michigan released his debut album Process of Elimination in 2003.

Elsha's Ministry Statement
God is longing for people that will seek Him first. God is wanting a people that will give themselves totally and completely to Him. In these last days, we know that there is a hunger in man's soul.That no longer can religious or traditional acts fill their hunger. There is a divine touch that God wants to give to His people. God has called us to set the captive free. The spirit of our youth is trapped. Through the ministries He has set before us, we will break those chains of bondage. Our ministry is made to go to places that most people won't go, jails, and innercities.

New album
A new Elsha album is to be released in 2007 called The Metamorphiz.

Release:The Metamorphiz
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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:LOR Entertainment
Info:The album is scheduled for release in 2007.
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Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

Release:Process of Elimination
Process of Elimination
(what is this?) / 1 user has this
Media:[Audio CD]
Released:2003 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:LOR Entertainment
Info:Executive Produced by Shael Torres and Roger Jahn.
Recorded and Engineered strait path sound studio's , Lakeland, Florida.
Mixed by Roger Jahn for Strait Path Sound Studio, Lakeland, Florida.
CD Design and Artwork by Kay for Tightwork.

1. My Life
2. Make some Noise
3. I'm like
4. Anything
5. Can you save me
6. Gangsta
7. We came to party
8. Ashestoashes
9. Follow me
10. Elimination
11. Revelations
12. let me get the beat
13. It's alright
14. Footsteps
15. I Love You
Rating:This release is not rated yet   Sign up or login to submit your vote
Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

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