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Country:United States
Releases:[I'll Find Out] [Let's Face It!] [From Israel To DC] [A New path]
Info:James Mc Morris II residing in Washington is maCmoses. His artist name maCmoses stands for: Me And Christ Moving Obstacles So Everyone Sees. He grew up in the Northeast section of Washington, DC and always had a love for music. So in the mid 1980's it was no surprise that he became a fan of hip hop.

All through high school maCmoses would rap at the lunch table in the cafeteria. As a youth, a few friends of his started a band. He loved to make music and rapping was something he really excelled in. Although maCmoses stuttered at times, when it came to hip hop he was gifted to speak clearly and confidently.

One of his childhood friends, Kilonzo 'L.G.' Masembwa, formed a small recording studio, and maCmoses would frequently visit his house to make music. As he matured, maCmoses fell in love with the Giver of music and every good thing Jesus Christ!

Eventually he would develop his own recording company entitled Jesus Christ Tru Vine Entertainment.

Debut Album
In the Spring of 2003 maCmoses became ill. His mobility was severely challenged. But with the grace of God, maCmoses entered the studio in the summer of 2004 to record his debut album 'A New Path', which would be released on his label Jesus Christ Tru Vine Entertainment in December 2005.

Each day he continues to slowly regain his mobility, and he is convinced that Jesus will completely heal him and make him whole. Through many trials and tribulations maCmoses has become a man who truly believes in the teachings of The Holy Bible. Although he's not yet where he wants to be, he's certainly not where he's been.

A new album entitled "Let's Face It!" is released in 2008. It's a limited edition compilation of some previously unreleased songs and tracks from older recordings.

The rapper is about to release "I'll Find Out" in 2009. As MaCmoses says: " It was recorded in 1999. I was born again, but I was still growing as a new-born babe in Christ, looking for that peace that only comes from the knowledge of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ!"

Release:I'll Find Out
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Media:[Audio CD] [Digital Download]
Recordlabel:Jesus Christ Tru Vine Entertainment
Info:The album is scheduled for release on January 25th, 2009. The album is recorded in 1999.
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Release:Let's Face It!
Let's Face It!
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Recordlabel:Jesus Christ Tru Vine Entertainment
Info:The compilation is released in 2008 and contains older tracks of MaCmoses.

1. Harvest
2. I'm Healed
3. The Way
4. Today
5. Vision
6. The Best Plan
7. The Rulez
8. His Word
9. I Remember
10. The Rulez
11. Accept His Truth
12. Light
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Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

Release:From Israel To DC
From Israel To DC
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Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Jesus Christ Tru Vine Entertainment
Info:The album is released on November 8th, 2007.

1. The Way
2. The Rulez
3. Christ Saves
4. Light
5. His Word
6. Be Wise
7. Endure
8. Trust God
9. Being Led
10. God Is Your Help
11. Today
12. Accept His Truth
13. I'm Healed!
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Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

Release:A New path
A New path
(what is this?) / 1 user has this
Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Jesus Christ Tru Vine Entertainment
Info:The album is released 27th December 2005.

1. Fight!
2. Another Lesson
3. You Can Make It!
4. Raise Me Up!
5. A New Path
6. Faith
7. Dear Lord
8. Jesus Thank U
9. Up On Your Feet!
10. No Need To fear
11. The Lord Does Care
12. Put God First
Rating:This release is not rated yet   Sign up or login to submit your vote
Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

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