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Soul Deep Ministries

Soul Deep Ministries
Info:Soul Deep Ministries (SDM) was established to affect the depths of people’s soul with the truth about God’s unconditional love, forgiveness and acceptance.

Since it's inception in 2002, SDM, led by it's founder and chief spokesman, Eduardo Puyol (Rawsrvnt) has traveled across international waters into the missions’ fields of Europe and Africa empowering people with the understanding of God’s love and the value that He has placed on their lives.

The ministry has also extended the love of Christ using music as a means of reaching those that are within our prisons and jails, showing them that God can use anyone to do anything for His Kingdom as long as they have a willing heart.

The goal of SDM is to reach the masses by releasing relevant, life changing, professional music with a Godly twist while impacting lives in the process. SDM is breaking through religious, cultural, generational, and societal barriers in an effort to make the world realize we are all part of a much bigger picture we are all children of the Most High God.
Address:P.O. Box 14307
City:North Palm Beach
Country:United States
Phone:+ 561-307-7723
Releases:A few random releases on this label...
Breathe Rawsrvnt - Breathe
Chopped & Screwed [by DJ Primo] Rawsrvnt - Chopped & Screwed [by DJ Primo]
Makin' Moves Rawsrvnt - Makin' Moves

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