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Country:United States
Releases:[Indigenous Legend : 1491 Nation Mixtape (EP)] [Hawthorne's Most Wanted] [Hawthorne's Most Wanted : Instrumental] [Hawthorne's Most Wanted : A Cappella] [Traveling Circus (enhanced version)] [Warriors Society Mixtape Volume 1] [Traveling circus] [Is this thing on?]
Lyrics:Found 25 lyrics at BusyR.com Lyrics Archive.
Info:Now residing in Los Angeles, California RedCloud is born in Hawthorne, California of Mexican & Indian descent. His mother, too young to care for him, left him to be raised by another family. He grew up surrounded by drugs, gangs and violence.

In RedCloud’s freshman year of high school he came to realize that life that his family and friends had chosen for themselves was not the life he wanted. He was “jumped out” of a gang that had long been the center of his life. At this point in life, RedCloud focused his time and energy on school, martial arts and hip hop. He graduated in 1996 from high school.

Battle rap
By the age of 17, RedCloud had honed his freestyle and battle rap skills to a level high enough to beat well respected competitors. In the next few years RedCloud made his mark and became a local favorite at elite hip hop clubs in the Los Angeles underground scene.

Syntax statement
On July 2nd, 2009 Syntax Records released the following statement: "Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! …He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord. (Ps. 112:1,7)"

It is with deep sorrow that we write this letter concerning our friend and long-standing business partner RedCloud. After nearly a decade of working together, Syntax Records has decided to indefinitely suspend all promotion, support, and endorsement of RedCloud due to what we consider “Substance Abuse” [smoking weed]. This decision was not made hastily, rather, the biblical precedents were followed with much patience, grace, and longsuffering (this did not happen overnight).

It is out of necessity that we make this decision since our business principles and ethics are not superior to the biblical moral standards that all Christians are subject to. We hold the Bible as the final authority of what we believe and how we should live. We believe the Bible condemns substance abuse as a “deed of the flesh.” The “deeds of the flesh” flow from the desires of the flesh, and the flesh sets itself against the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-24).

In the spirit of Matthew 18:15-20, RedCloud, was confronted individually with the aim of restoration. After a reasonable period of time without repentance, RedCloud was confronted with witnesses to establish the charge.

In no way do we assume we are morally superior to RedCloud or anyone. But we don’t proclaim ourselves, rather, we proclaim Christ, and Christ is morally superior to all – “For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. (2 Cor. 4:5)”

It is our prayer and desire to see RedCloud, whom we love, reconciled to us, his family, and to his God, and that God honors our decision in this disciplinary yet restorative effort. In closing, this will be the only response we provide on this situation until a praise report is warranted in the future of RedCloud’s repentance, restoration, and reconciliation.

Track Evandalism
On April 1st, 2010 the rapper released the track "Evandalism" on Youtube.com. In the song RedCloud as the battle rapper who he is vented off his frustration about the christian hip hop community. The song would be taken down April 2nd. In an interview with DJ Will at DaSouth.com released on Friday, April 9th, 2010 the rapper explained his actions: "I was caught in a position to where [...] I had no recordlabel, I felt like everything was crumbling around me and I wrote the song in pure therapy. I recorded it as a therapy, maybe I should have kept it to myself.
[..] I'm a believer, I'm still a believer, I'm not a cold hearted killer to walk away from what I did. But I did something and it was something I had to have off my chest and I'm not going to try to justify what I did I could have done it a hundred million ways, but the way I did it was probably not the best way. And definitely not the way a christian would have done things. And for that I do apologize."

Native American-owned local record label, Upriza Records based out of Puyallup, Washington, hosted the First Annual West Coast American Indian Music Awards at the Muckleshoot White River Amphitheatre on May 3rd, 2008. At the ceremony RedCloud won the awards for "Hip-Hop Album of the Year", "Top of Class" and the "Album of the Year". All for RedCloud's album "Hawthorne's Most Wanted" released in 2007.

RedCloud released his video:
- Tapatio: featuring Pigeon John on April 16, 2007.

The MC debuted on Syntax Records in 2001 with the album "Is This Thing On?." His sophomore release "Travelling Circus" (2003) is re-released in 2006 as an enhanced CD. In the same year the "Warriors Society Mixtape Volume 1" came out.

New project
His most recent album is "Hawthorne's Most Wanted" released in 2007. The album was also released as an Instrumental and A Cappella album through iTunes for DJ's to use.

Sources: Syntaxrecords.com: Statement Concerning Our Friend RedCloud, July 2nd, 2009 ; Sphereofhiphop.com forum: RedCloud: statement from Syntax Records, July 3rd, 2009 ; Dasouth.com/redcloud: DaSouth presents DJ Will's "RedCloud Interview", April 9th, 2010.

Release:Indigenous Legend : 1491 Nation Mixtape (EP)
(what is this?) / 1 user has this
Recordlabel:Indie (Independant Release)
Info:The EP is scheduled for release on April 22nd, 2010.
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Release:Hawthorne's Most Wanted
Hawthorne's Most Wanted
(what is this?) / 22 users have this
Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Syntax Records
Info:The album is released on May 22nd, 2007.
Production by Pigeon John and sirROCDOMZ.

1. Deep Thoughts
2. Welcome All
3. Guns & Roses - featuring Jayo Felony, Eek-A-Mouse, & Tonex
4. Boulevard Knights
5. 405 - featuring Lord Zen & Dannu (of Visionaries)
6. Tapatio - featuring Pigeon John
7. Hawthorne?s Most Wanted - featuring Kurupt (of Tha Dogg Pound)
8. The Boombox Saints
9. Krylon Teardrops
10. The Time Has Come
11. Battle of Little Bighorn - featuring Def Shepard
12. My People
13. Songs They Sang
14. Death of a Salesman - featuring Pigeon John
Rating:Our users rated this release: 10 out of 10
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Release:Hawthorne's Most Wanted : Instrumental
Hawthorne's Most Wanted : Instrumental
(what is this?) / 2 users have this
Media:[Digital Download]
Recordlabel:Syntax Records
Info:The instrumental album is released on May 22nd, 2007 at iTunes.

1. Welcome All
2. Guns & Roses
3. Boulevard Knights
4. 405
5. Tapatio
6. Hawthorne’s Most Wanted
7. The Boombox Saints
8. Krylon Teardrops
9. The Time Has Come
10. Battle of Little Bighorn
11. My People
12. Songs They Sang
13. Death of a Salesman
14. South Central Farms - Bonus Track
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Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

Release:Hawthorne's Most Wanted : A Cappella
Hawthorne's Most Wanted : A Cappella
(what is this?) / 1 user has this
Media:[Digital Download]
Recordlabel:Syntax Records
Info:The A Cappella album is released on May 22nd, 2007 at iTunes.

1. Welcome All
2. Guns & Roses featuring Jayo Felony, Eek-A-Mouse, & Tonex
3. Boulevard Knights
4. 405 - featuring Lord Zen & Dannu (of Visionaries)
5. Tapatio - featuring Pigeon John
6. Hawthorne’s Most Wanted - featuring Kurupt (of Tha Dogg Pound)
7. The Boombox Saints
8. Krylon Teardrops
9. The Time Has Come
10. Battle of Little Bighorn - featuring Def Shepard
11. My People
12. Songs They Sang
13. Death of a Salesman - featuring Pigeon John
14. South Central Farms - Bonus Track
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Release:Traveling Circus (enhanced version)
Traveling Circus (enhanced version)
(what is this?) / 15 users have this
Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Syntax Records
Info:The 2003 album re-released in 2006 as a special enhanced version, that features the unreleased music video for "Battle Star Galactic". Also with new artwork. The original artwork had malfunctions.

1. The Ringmaster
2. Traveling Circus - featuring Sam Hart
3. My Way - featuring Sackcloth Fashion
4. The Coming - featuring Def Sheppard
5. 8000 RPMs
6. Bonifide Xtreme
7. Don't Wear It Out
8. Never Let You Go - featuring Sherwin Gardner, Christafari
9. Battlestar Galactic
10. Chit Chat - featuring Kaitlyn Cassels
11. War Party
12. Put It On - featuring Kaitlyn Cassels
13. Night Owls
14. Broken Jaw - featuring Braille
15. Indigenous Angel
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Release:Warriors Society Mixtape Volume 1
Warriors Society Mixtape Volume 1
(what is this?) / 11 users have this
Media:[Audio CD]
Recordlabel:Syntax Records
Info:This album is released in a first pressing of a 1000 copies.

1. FryBread Riot - featuring Maniac the Siouxpernatural, & Supaman
2. Snake
3. Dia de Los Muertos - featuring Olmeca of Acid Reign
4. 49 Music
5. Pain - featuring Sleezy Sleeze of Rezofficial
6. Gangster Type Guys
7. 5 Rez Dogs Playing Poker - featuring Maniac the Siouxpernatural, Tactile the RhymeChild, & Supaman
8. Homies
9. 81 El Camino - featuring Supaman
10. Lincoln County Regulaters
11. 6 AM - featuring Tactile the RhymeChild, & Emcee One
12. Praise The Lord - featuring HellnBack of Rezofficial
13. Disciple - featuring Supaman
14. Oldies
15. Chiapa de Los Indios - featuring The Crux
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Release:Traveling circus
Traveling circus
(what is this?) / 20 users have this
Released:2003 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Syntax Records
Info:1. The ringmaster
2. Traveling circus - featuring Sam Hart
3. My way - featuring Sackcloth Fashion
4. The coming - featuring Def Sheppard
5. 8000 RPMs - featuring Brandon Musser
6. Bonifide xtreme
7. Don't wear it out
8. Never let you go - featuring Sherwin Gardner, Christafari
9. Battlestar galactic
10. Chit chat - featuring Kaitlyn Cassels
11. War party
12. Put it on - featuring Kaitlyn Cassels
13. Night owls
14. Broken jaw - featuring Braille
15. Indigenous angel
Rating:Our users rated this release: 8.5 out of 10
(Number of votes: 2)   Sign up or login to submit your vote
Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

Release:Is this thing on?
Is this thing on?
(what is this?) / 24 users have this
Released:2001 [ Listen to HHH from this era on Spotify ]
Recordlabel:Syntax Records
Info:Produced by: sirROCDOMZ (Tim Trudeau).
Executive Producers: Steve Trudeau & Tim Trudeau. Engineered by: sirROCDOMZ. Photography: sirROCDOMZ, Yoko Salazar. Graphics & Layout: sirROCDOMZ.

1. Pow wow
2. Last of the Mex-hee-cans
3. When Kenpo strikes
4. Cali blacktop - featuring Sackcloth Fashion
5. RedClouds by day - featuring Playdough
6. Telephone company
7. The Pigeon John song - featuring Pigeon John
8. Musical aggression - featuring Christafari
9. Otherside of the pillow - featuring Martyr
10. Final daez - featuring Eternal Soul & DJ TreyQel
11. Infinite Sonic
12. Koyote gospel - featuring Elijah One
13. Ridiculous junk - featuring Braille, MaxOne, Man of War, Gibraan
14. Is this thing on?
15. Dismissal
Rating:Our users rated this release: 7.5 out of 10
(Number of votes: 2)   Sign up or login to submit your vote
Reviews:Found 0 reviews for this album. [Add a review]

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